Way back in the early days, well 2011 seems like forever ago in mobile Internet time, I had built an app with PhoneGap. It wasn’t a pleasant experience and involved a lot of digging around native code to make things work as well as the use of Eclipse, which is simply cruel and unusual punishment.
Fast forward to 2014, I was brought into a discussion about building an Android app, based on the iOS app that had already been created, in a short development time frame. It involved the use of the camera to scan bar codes so a simple web app had been ruled out. After my 2011 experience, I was hesitant to go down the path of building a PhoneGap app again, so we discussed what it would take to build a native Android app.
Internally, none of the developers were familiar with the Android SDK to the point that turning around an app in a few short weeks was going to work. We decided to try bringing in an Android developer. We felt that the project could be down in two weeks if they knew the Android SDK well enough.
The search for an Android developer was much more difficult than one would expect. After contacting a few people that I know, they were all either booked, or no longer did development work themselves. We thought about several other possibilities to outsource this effort, but felt that the shear amount of time to get someone fully up to speed, or the shady reputations of some of the unknown developers that were interested, was just not going to work.
So I decided to give PhoneGap another try.
Why Cordova and not PhoneGap
As I explored PhoneGap, I found that it had changed so much since 2011 that I needed to basically approach it as if I had never used it before. The company behind PhoneGap had since been acquired by Adobe and I now had the open source Cordova project or the Adobe branded PhoneGap project to decide on.
I started reading the online documentation, attempting to determine what the differences were between the two projects and in a cursory review could find little difference. My gut said that PhoneGap would be more polished since it had paid staff devoted to it whereas Cordova was a community project. But as I started to dig into this, it is not what I found.
This could simply have been a product of the few web searches I did worked out better for me with Cordova than PhoneGap, but after about 30 minutes, I felt much more comfortable with Cordova than I did PhoneGap. Your experience may be different. I would love to have an official comparison of why one would choose PhoneGap over Cordova.
15 minutes and the first bar code was scanned
To understand the scope of the project, it is an application designed for scanning QR Codes on badges at trade shows to build up leads. It has the ability to quickly qualify leads with various options as well as add a short note. It lists the leads and you can edit a lead that was previously scanned. The app activates to a server and leads are synced to that server and can then be managed in a web interface. For version one, while it syncs to the server, it does not update back to the app. So changes are not reflected that are made online.
The big component is the badge scanning. This is the item that I feared the most since accessing hardware and plugins in my past PhoneGap experience was neither easy, nor reliable. I chose to use the stock PhoneGap BarcodeScanner plugin for simplicity as shown in the Cordova documentation 1, and hoped it would be good enough. In the end, it turned out that it didn’t work, so I did some searching and came up with a fork that worked well 2.
Cordova changed things at some point in the past that everything works as a plugin now. That is external plugins as well as cordova api items. This actually makes things really nice. So here is the 15 minute build instructions based on the HelloWorld project 2.
$sudo npm install -g cordova
$cordova create hello org.elroyjetson.hello HelloWorld
$cd hello
$cordova platform add android
$cordova plugin add
At this point I simply grabbed the chunk of the sample code from the BarcodeScanner git repo to use to test. Opened up www/js/index.js and dropped it in at the end of the receivedEvent function that is in as part of the HelloWorld app.
$cordova build
The build completed with now errors, so next thing I did was plugged in my Moto X with USB debugging turned on to run the app. You may need to make sure that adb is listening for devices, that is easy enough:
$adb device -l
If you see some output indicating a device, you are good to go, so time to run the app.
$cordova run
This takes a lot longer than you might expected, but the app installs, opens up and immediately launches the scanner, scan a bar code and got the results.
This probably would have taken less time had I been able to simply install the barcode scanner like in the docs, but this worked great.
From this point, all you need to do is build the app like you would for any mobile web project. In the next section, I will go over some tips and tricks that I learned along the way that might help your experience go just a little smoother.
Development Tips
Tip: 1 – Project setup
As I began to write my code I built everything off of the app object that already existed, adding on module objects as I went, handling routing and data through custom objects that I created as I needed them. This was a big mistake from the outset, and I kick myself because I should have known better.
If you are going to build a single page app, which is the recommend way in a Cordova project, do yourself a favor and use BackBone.js. Doing this would have shaved several days off of my development time along with making the code easier to test and maintain.
Tip: 2 – Build all web functionality and screens in the browser first
While development tools have come a long way, and you will be using chrome://inspect heavily, it would have been much faster to follow a normal RWD, mobile first, work flow for developing all of the app screens and basic, e.g. non-device functionality, before heading to the device.
Tip: 3 – Create your own console.log method
You can use console.log to push out debug messages in your app, but then you will need to remove them all for a final release. This become a problem later if you want to use them for follow on app versions. The easiest way to deal with this was to add an attribute to your app, in my case app.debug, and set it to true or false. Then create a method that checks this, if it is true, show the console.log method, if it is false don’t. Here is the log method I used and this becomes handy for Tip: 4
log: function(msg) {
if(app.debug) {
var date = new Date();
console.log(date + ': ' + msg);
There may be better ways of handling this, but this worked well for me.
The other thing I did with this is any time I logged a message I always add “Method:” to the front of it so I knew exactly what was spitting out the message.
Tip: 4 – Debugging older Android devices
Since I had a test device for Android 2.3.3 API version 10, and according to the latest Android stats at the time 4, API version 10 on up covers 98.7% of installed Android devices, I set out to work with my min API version set to 10.
Older Android webview do not, unfortunately, use Chrome so using Chrome://inspect will not be able to help you for debugging. While that makes things harder, it isn’t impossible.
If you followed Tip 2 and built all of your interface using a RWD, mobile first, work flow, most of your time will be spent debugging JavaScript. I did a lot of this with console.log (or a modified version see Tip: 3). This does take a little knowledge of adb. But the Cordova environment spits out all of these messages and more in the Android debug log and filtering them is pretty easy, and trust me, you want to filter. In my project I also used the Web SQL API since Indexdb is not supported well yet and I needed to perform some more complicated queries than is feasible with the Localstorage API. To do this we just filter on what we need:
$adb logcat -s "CordovaLog","Database"
Tip: 5 – Creating Android icons and splash screens
Creating Android icons and splash screens proved particularly tricky. Like the web, Android has an incredible amount of device diversity. So this needs to be taken into account during the design phase of your project. Keeping in mind that you need an adequate amount of padding around any bit mapped portions of your images that you do not want to be stretched to fit. Google has provided a good deal of resource on the subject that you should read as part of the design process 5. Android uses a special file format call the Nine Patch image that helps to prevent your icons and splash screens from becoming distorted. The Android SDK ships with a tool for creating these images, but another handy tool to generate them is a tool called the Simple Nine-Patch Generator and I found it works really well.
The Cordova documentation does discuss putting the icons in your www/res/platform folder but I found two problem with this. First, now the res folder is compiled into the final apk file that is loaded on the device, so it will be loaded twice, and, second, it Cordova doesn’t actually do anything with these resources — at least that I could figure out.
Since you have to manually place them in the correct platform res/drawable-* directories, it’s best to move this folder outside of the www source to save the file size.
There are two things you need to do, aside from move the splash screen assets to the correct res/drawable-* directories, if you are using a splash screen. These changes are made to the config.xml file for your project in the www source folder.
<preference name="SplashScreen" value="ic_launcher" />
<preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="3000" />
The “SplashScreen” option tells Android the resource root name to use for your splash screen and “SplashScreenDelay” indicates how long to display the splash screen in milliseconds.
Tip: 6 – Creating Android release APK
This took the most digging and, in the end, I couldn’t get Cordova to produce a signed release version of the app, I set it up to work using Apache Ant, which is what Cordova is using underneath. I am sure there is a way to get this right using Cordova build, but the flow is not well documented and it was just easier to by pass it all together.
Google has a nice document on generating a self signed key and keystore for your application 6. Once you have generated the keystore, make note of where you placed it and BACK IT UP. You cannot release updates to the app once it has been submitted without this key so don’t lose it.
Once you have the keystore and keys created you can skip the rest of the Google doc, because Apache Ant will handle that for you.
We need to create several files to configure Ant to handle the release build when we run it.
First, create the file called custom_rules.xml in the root (the same directory as the AndroidManifest.xml) directory of your Android platform, and place these lines of XML in it:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="custom_rules" default="help">
<property file="" />
Apache Ant is setup by default to look for that file in it’s build.xml configuration file.
Now we need to create the file we just told it about. This file is going to contain the location on your system of your keystore file as well as the keystore password and the keystore alias password, so you probably should exclude that from source code control so as not to check in your passwords.
In this file will be four lines using the information created earlier.
No to generate a release build, that will sign and align your APK, change into the Android platform directory and then run the ant release command:
$ant release
You can now find the release version of the APK in the platforms/android/bin directory. You will see other version, appname-debug.apk, appname-release-unsigned.apk etc. The one you submit to the Play Store is appname-release.apk.
Tip: 7 – Updating build release numbers
To increment your build release numbers, a requirement for each release in the Play Store, you edit your project config.xml file. The first line should be a widget line, just increment the version attribute and then rebuild to get the new version number in your APK.
Cordova/PhoneGap has come a long way and is constantly getting better. There is a lot of customization that you can do that I didn’t even get a chance to dig into, but hope to in the future.
When I get some time, I will put together some of the more Android development specific tips that I have accumulated as part of this project so it, hopefully, won’t take you as long to find it all for your projects.