- Tested on Zend Framework 1.11.11
- Application has been setup to use modules
General Steps
- Set default layout in application.ini
- Create controller plugin to become the layout picker
Step 1: Set default layout in application.ini
Add the path to the layouts folder and make the default layout name (layout.phtml) match the default module name (default.phtml) which seems more sensible.
resources.layout.layoutpath = APPLICATION_PATH "/layouts"
resources.layout.layout = default
Step 2: Create controller plugin to become the layout picker
Setup autoloader for plugin in application.ini and add resource for frontController Plugin
// ZC_ is the namespace for ZendCast where I found the instructions
autoloaderNamespaces.zc = "ZC_"
resources.frontController.plugins.LayoutPicker = "ZC_Controller_Plugin_LayoutPicker"
Create the LayoutPicker file in the library/ZC/Controller/Plugin/ directory with filename of LayoutPicker.php
class ZC_Controller_Plugin_LayoutPicker
extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
Now if you have an admin module that needs a different layout from the default, create an module_name.phtml in the layouts folder with the new layout.