It is fashionable today to hate social media and large swathes of the World Wide Web. The large tech company’s, Facebook, Twitter, and Google in particular but not exclusively, deserve a lot of blame for the toxic culture of the Web today. It is easy to dwell on the, as Tim Cook famously called Android, […]
For the past three years I have been completing my master’s degree in History and teaching high school history and literature classes. It has been a great break that I have needed from the technology world that I have been working hard at for the past 23 years or so. It has been great, but […]
Yesterday, CNBC featured Dubai’s incredible Museum of the Future. It is a beautifully designed architectural marvel, but more importantly, it provides some insight into the priorities of the government of Dubai. In the short article, CNBC points out that the Museum of the Future “is not meant to hold artifacts of the past but instead is […]
It has been nearly two years since I took some time away from technology to pursue academia. While my primary discipline is history, I teach and enjoy literature. What books should I read? This is one of the hardest decisions to make, at least for me. Last week on the FORMA podcast, Andrew Kern and […]
One of the more recent features in OSX is the ability to store the Desktop and Documents folders in iCloud. This is an incredibly convenient way to have the same files appear one all of your devices. If you are like me, however, the Desktop folder is often used as a dump for transient files. […]
It has been some time since I have had a chance to post on this blog. Between work, completing my undergraduate degree, and preparing for what I now call my “technology sabbatical,” I have just been too busy and, frankly, a bit too burnt out to write. As of July, I began to transition from […]
I admit that I have a love hate relationship with modern technology. I have the dubious honor being old enough to remember the pre-computer era and young enough to have embraced it as it blossomed. When it comes to books, however, I am even more torn. This will start off sounding like a tail you […]