I ran across a blog post back in 2014 where the author had a list of 11 requirements for a Personal Knowledge Base (PKB). I have had the response that I dust off occasionally and half-heartedly keep up to date over the years sitting on my file server so I thought I would share it here for posterity. The one requirement I would add that I still have not adequately found a good solution for is mobile access and workflow.
Today in class, I was discussing how World War I began with my students. We discussed the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. It made me remember an event back in 1993 during the Bosnian War. I was acutely aware of the Bosnian War being in the military at the time and especially […]
I was on Twitter yesterday and ran across a couple of posts by Federico Viticci where he describes a workflow he has created that allows him to automatically download YouTube videos to a server he owns and then uses Zapier to notify him when new videos are downloaded via a Pushcut notification on his iOS […]
Introduction In the past I had posted this on Facebook, but I have decided to change that moving forward and post it here instead. My annual reading stats are available on Goodreads. I had been reporting whether I had read the books in ebook, audio book, or dead tree book format but I have decided […]
It is fashionable today to hate social media and large swathes of the World Wide Web. The large tech company’s, Facebook, Twitter, and Google in particular but not exclusively, deserve a lot of blame for the toxic culture of the Web today. It is easy to dwell on the, as Tim Cook famously called Android, […]